Volume 109 Number 3 May-June 2004

Front Cover–Title Page–ContentsPDF File 1130 kb


Uncertainty Propagation for NIST Visible Spectral Standards PDF File 837 kb
James L. Gardner

Uncertainties in Small-Angle Measurement Systems Used to Calibrate Angle Artifacts PDF File 690 kb
Jack A. Stone, Mohamed Amer, Bryon Faust, and Jay Zimmerman

Embedded MicroHeating Elements in Polymeric MicroChannels for Temperature Control and Fluid Flow Sensing PDF File 1262 kb
Michael Gaitan and Laurie E. Locascio

Uncertainty and Traceability for the CEESI Iowa Natural Gas Facility PDF File 1051 kb
Aaron Johnson and Tom Kegel

High-Resolution Observations of the Infrared Spectrum of Neutral Neon PDF File 722 kb
Craig J. Sansonetti, Marion M. Blackwell, and E. B. Saloman

Subscription Information PDF File 1100 kb

(The electronic file also contains a Journal of Research subscription form, promotional information, and a description of NIST publication series.)