Volume 105 January-February 2000 to Current Issue
Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology
Subject Index to Volume 105

Numbers in parenthesis in italic type after the page number are the issue numbers
  • Page numbers link to the articles (which are PDF files)
  • Issue numbers link the Table of Contents for that issue (HTML files)

No. 1 January-February No. 4 July-August
No. 2 March-April No. 5 September-October
No. 3 May-June No. 6 November-December

(n, {gamma}) reaction PDF159(1)

air-kerma PDF701(5)
alpha PDF275(2)
atomic collisions PDF113(1)
atomic collisions PDF25(1)
atomic collisions PDF81(1)
atomic force microscopy PDF867(6)
atomic force microscopy PDF867(6)
atomic masses PDF11(1)
atomic polarizabilities PDF829(6)
atomic weight PDF457(3)
auto-focus PDF565(4)

Bayes PDF571(4)
binding energy PDF11(1)
blackbody PDF293(2)
branching ratio PDF173(1)
bromine PDF457(3)
building technology PDF497-(4)
building technology PDF497-(4)
building technology PDF497(4)

calcium PDF267-273(2)
calcium ion-selective electrode PDF267-273(2)
calibration PDF293(2)
calibration PDF511(4)
capture PDF173(1)
ceramics PDF275(2)
chemical analysis PDF631(4)
chemical analysis PDF631(4)
chlorine PDF457(3)
circular aperture PDF581(4)
co-channel interference PDF721(5)
comparisons PDF551(4)
computation PDF589(4)
concrete PDF497-(4)
concrete PDF497-(4)
concrete PDF497(4)
conductivity PDF497-(4)
conductivity PDF497-(4)
conformance testing PDF343(3)
critical to product quality PDF511(4)
cryogenic radiometer PDF689(5)
crystal PDF607(4)
crystal diffraction PDF1(1)
crystal diffraction PDF11(1)
crystal diffraction PDF167(1)
crystal spectrometer PDF89(1)
Crystal-GRID PDF81(1)

deformed nuclei PDF107(1)
detector PDF813(6)
detector standards PDF689(5)
differential decay-curve method PDF53(1)
diffraction PDF581(4)
diffusion coefficient PDF667-688(5)
diffusivity PDF497-(4)
diffusivity PDF497-(4)
diffusivity PDF497(4)
disc testbed PDF565(4)
discovery science PDF875(6)
dispersion PDF839(6)
distributed processing PDF343(3)
distributed processing PDF875(6)
Doppler broadening PDF113(1)
Doppler-shift attenuation method PDF141(1)

e-commerce PDF783(5)
e-commerce PDF783(5)
effective temperature PDF159(1)
Einstein's theory PDF607(4)
electret ion chamber PDF275(2)
electric quadrupole interaction PDF829(6)
electrical substitution PDF689(5)
electron mobilities PDF433(3)
electron mobilities PDF445(3)
electron-impact ionization PDF293(2)
electronic article PDF557(4)
energy levels PDF173(1)
energy-level transitions PDF173(1)
equations PDF557(4)
erbium PDF177(1)
evaluated data PDF709(5)
evaluation PDF541(4)
experimental design PDF511(4)

fluorescence PDF631(4)
fluorescence PDF631(4)
fluorescence spectrometry PDF631(4)
fluorescence spectrometry PDF631(4)
fluorescence standards PDF631(4)
fluorescence standards PDF631(4)
free-air ionization chamber PDF701(5)
Fresnel integrals PDF589(4)
fundamental constants PDF11(1)
fundamental postulate PDF607(4)

gadolinium 158 target PDF173(1)
gadolinium 159 PDF173(1)
gain PDF209(2)
galactic radioactivity PDF101(1)
gamma cascades PDF113(1)
gamma cascades PDF173(1)
gamma ray spectroscopy PDF25(1)
gamma ray spectroscopy PDF81(1)
gamma rays PDF11(1)
gamma spectra PDF113(1)
gamma-ray bursts PDF97(1)
gamma-ray spectra PDF1(1)
gamma-ray spectrometer PDF167(1)
gamma-ray spectroscopy PDF89(1)
gamma-ray spectroscopy PDF137(1)
gamma-spectroscopy PDF177(1)
Gammasphere PDF53(1)
Gammasphere PDF137(1)
gas adsorption PDF159(1)
glazes PDF275(2)
gravitation PDF607(4)
groundstate deformation PDF53(1)
guarded hot plate PDF591(4)

half plane PDF581(4)
half-life PDF541(4)
heat flux PDF293(2)
heavy nuclei PDF113(1)
heavy-ion reactions PDF137(1)
helium PDF667-688(5)
high throughput screening PDF631(4)
high throughput screening PDF631(4)
hydrogen PDF457(3)
hydrogen-3 PDF535(4)
hydrogen-3 PDF541(4)

immersive environments PDF875(6)
impedance spectroscopy PDF497-(4)
impedance spectroscopy PDF497-(4)
impedance spectroscopy PDF497(4)
IMPI PDF875(6)
impurity location PDF177(1)
in-beam PDF133(1)
indentation hardness PDF511(4)
inductivity PDF497(4)
inelastic neutron scattering PDF141(1)
infrared microscope PDF591(4)
instrument validation PDF631(4)
instrument validation PDF631(4)
instrumentation PDF1(1)
interatomic potential PDF71(1)
interatomic potentials PDF25(1)
interatomic potentials PDF81(1)
interatomic potentials PDF89(1)
intermolecular potential PDF667-688(5)
international meter PDF307(2)
international meter PDF307(2)
interoperability PDF783(5)
interoperability PDF783(5)
interoperable PDF343(3)
interoperable MPI PDF875(6)
IR detector PDF689(5)
irradiance PDF813(6)

Ka-band channel PDF721(5)
knowledge-aided engineering PDF783(5)
knowledge-aided engineering PDF783(5)

lattice modes PDF159(1)
level lifetimes PDF125(1)
lifetime PDF177(1)
lifetime PDF71(1)
lifetime measurements PDF153(1)
lifetime measurements PDF63(1)
lifetimes PDF113(1)
LMDS PDF721(5)
low-lying states PDF63(1)
low-spin states PDF43(1)
luminescence PDF631(4)
luminescence PDF631(4)

magnetic dipole bands PDF133(1)
magnetic field PDF557(4)
magnetic rotation PDF53(1)
manufacturing simulation PDF783(5)
manufacturing simulation PDF783(5)
massic activity PDF535(4)
material properties PDF709(5)
measurement system comparisons PDF511(4)
mechanical properties PDF709(5)
median PDF551(4)
melding functions PDF433(3)
melding functions PDF445(3)
mercury ion PDF829(6)
message passing PDF343(3)
message passing interface PDF875(6)
metal detector PDF557(4)
metals PDF71(1)
metrology PDF839(6)
mineral saturation PDF267-273(2)
modem design PDF721(5)
molar Planck constant PDF11(1)
Molecular Dynamics simulations PDF81(1)
molecular dynamics simulations PDF71(1)
molecular ion PDF293(2)
Monte Carlo simulation PDF113(1)
MPI PDF343(3)
MPI PDF875(6)
multiphonon states PDF107(1)

NBS PDF535(4)
near infrared PDF689(5)
neutrino bursts PDF97(1)
neutrino helicity PDF89(1)
neutron capture PDF113(1)
neutron deficient nuclei PDF43(1)
neutron mass PDF11(1)
neutron reactions PDF173(1)
neutron-proton pairing PDF33(1)
New Yale Plunger Device PDF53(1)
NIST PDF535(4)
noise PDF209(2)
non-linear HPA PDF721(5)
normal modes PDF159(1)
nuclear level lifetimes PDF53(1)
nuclear levels PDF113(1)
nuclear lifetimes PDF81(1)
nuclear phase transitions PDF147(1)
nuclear resonance photon scattering PDF159(1)
nuclear spectroscopy PDF167(1)
nuclear state lifetimes PDF25(1)
nuclear structure PDF141(1)
nuclear structure PDF25(1)
nuclear structure PDF53(1)
nuclear structure PDF33(1)
numerical approximations PDF589(4)
numerical integration PDF581(4)

optical discs PDF565(4)
optical fiber Bragg grating PDF839(6)
optical fiber sensors PDF839(6)
optical frequency standards PDF829(6)

parallel processing PDF343(3)
parallel processing PDF875(6)
phase coexistence PDF147(1)
phonon creation PDF89(1)
phonon excitations PDF125(1)
phonon states PDF147(1)
photocurrent PDF209(2)
photocurrent PDF813(6)
photodiode PDF813(6)
physical properties PDF709(5)
plaque fluid PDF267-273(2)
potentiometer PDF755(5)
potentiometer PDF755(5)
pragmatic TCM PDF721(5)
precision measurement PDF1(1)
primary standard PDF701(5)
process representation PDF783(5)
process representation PDF783(5)
product data management PDF783(5)
product data management PDF783(5)
prolate deformation PDF43(1)
prototypes PDF307(2)
prototypes PDF307(2)

radiant power PDF813(6)
radioactive beams PDF33(1)
radioactive hafnium PDF125(1)
radioactive lifelines PDF101(1)
radioactivity PDF275(2)
radiometer PDF209(2)
radiometer PDF293(2)
radiometry PDF689(5)
rapid chloride test PDF497-(4)
rapid chloride test PDF497-(4)
rapid chloride test PDF497(4)
recoil distance method PDF53(1)
recoil-distance method PDF63(1)
rectangular coils PDF557(4)
recursion formula PDF581(4)
reference detector PDF813(6)
reference materials PDF571(4)
reference radiation qualities PDF701(5)
reflectance PDF839(6)
regression analyses PDF433(3)
regression analyses PDF445(3)
relative group delay PDF839(6)
resonance neutrons PDF173(1)
responsivity PDF689(5)
responsivity PDF813(6)
review PDF541(4)
robust statistics PDF551(4)

saliva PDF267-273(2)
scanning electron microscopy PDF867(6)
scanning electron microscopy PDF867(6)
scientific visaualization PDF875(6)
scintillation counter PDF275(2)
second virial PDF667-688(5)
sensitivity PDF209(2)
sensor PDF293(2)
series expansions PDF589(4)
shear bands PDF53(1)
silicon photodiodes PDF209(2)
slit PDF581(4)
slowing down PDF71(1)
software integration PDF783(5)
software integration PDF783(5)
spatial statistics PDF511(4)
spectral response PDF813(6)
spherical nuclei PDF107(1)
standard cell comparator PDF755(5)
standard cell comparator PDF755(5)
standard deviation PDF565(4)
standard deviations PDF433(3)
standard deviations PDF445(3)
standard reference material PDF511(4)
standards PDF631(4)
standards PDF631(4)
standards PDF535(4)
Stark shift PDF829(6)
superdeformed bands PDF153(1)
supernovae PDF101(1)
supernovae PDF97(1)
surface measurement PDF511(4)
surveillance systems PDF557(4)
systems integration PDF783(5)
systems integration PDF783(5)

test method PDF511(4)
thallium PDF153(1)
thermal conductivity PDF591(4)
thermal conductivity PDF667-688(5)
thermal diffusion factor PDF667-688(5)
thermal properties PDF709(5)
thermal-barrier coating PDF591(4)
thermophysical standards PDF667-688(5)
thorium PDF275(2)
tilted-axis crancking model PDF133(1)
titanium diboride PDF709(5)
total ionization cross sections PDF293(2)
transfer standard PDF813(6)
transmittance PDF839(6)
transport properties PDF667-688(5)
tritiated water PDF535(4)
tritium PDF535(4)
tritium PDF541(4)

uncertainty PDF571(4)
uncertainty PDF551(4)
uranium PDF275(2)

variance PDF551(4)
viscosity PDF667-688(5)

wevelngth division multiplexing PDF839(6)
workshop PDF631(4)
workshop PDF631(4)

x-ray microscopy PDF867(6)
x-ray microscopy PDF867(6)
XML PDF783(5)
XML PDF783(5)

YAlO^d3^ PDF177(1)
yttria-stabilized-zirconia PDF591(4)

Zeeman shift PDF829(6)
zero-point energy PDF159(1)
ZnS PDF81(1)

{gamma}-spectroscopy PDF133(1)
{gamma}{gamma}-coincidences PDF141(1)