Volume 104 January-February 1999 to Current Issue
Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology
Subject Index to Volume 104

Numbers in parenthesis in italic type after the page number are the issue numbers
  • Page numbers link to the articles (which are PDF files)
  • Issue numbers link the Table of Contents for that issue (HTML files)

No. 1 January-February No. 4 July-August
No. 2 March-April No. 5 September-October
No. 3 May-June No. 6 November-December

45{degree}/0{degree} reflectance factor PDF185(2)

ac quantum Hall effect PDF529(6)
ac quantum Hall effect PDF323(4)
acoustic resonator PDF11(1)
acoustic thermometry PDF11(1)
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) PDF435(5)
advanced encryption standard PDF97(1)
AES PDF401(4)
AES PDF401(4)
AES2 PDF401(4)
AES2 PDF401(4)
air pollutants PDF59(1)
air-kerma PDF135(2)
aluminum PDF557(6)
aluminum PDF557(6)
analysis PDF173(2)
aperture diameter PDF479(5)
argon PDF11(1)

BaR^d2^ZnO^d5^(R=lanthanides) PDF147(2)
bidirectional reflectance distribution PDF185(2)
blackbody sources PDF253-259(3)
blackbody sources PDF253-259(3)
block cipher PDF401(4)
block cipher PDF401(4)
building PDF579(6)

capacitance-to-shield PDF323(4)
CAST-256 PDF401(4)
CAST-256 PDF401(4)
Charpy impact test PDF557(6)
Charpy impact test PDF557(6)
coincidence PDF1(1)
coincidence PDF1(1)
communications security PDF97(1)
component libraries PDF291(3)
computer security PDF97(1)
concrete PDF461-478(5)
conference PDF91(1)
conformity assessment PDF91(1)
cryptanalysis PDF435(5)
cryptographic algorithms PDF435(5)
cryptography PDF97(1)
cryptography PDF435(5)
crypton PDF401(4)
crypton PDF401(4)
crystal structure PDF147(2)
cubic spline PDF189(2)

data encryption standard PDF97(1)
data model PDF349(4)
database PDF59(1)
datum PDF349(4)
datum feature PDF349(4)
datum system PDF349(4)
datum target PDF349(4)
deal PDF401(4)
deal PDF401(4)
decentralized networks PDF587(6)
definitive methods PDF141(2)
definitive methods PDF141(2)
determination of water in solvents PDF173(2)
DFC PDF401(4)
DFC PDF401(4)
diffuse reflectance PDF185(2)
documentary standards PDF91(1)
dynamic routing PDF587(6)

E2 PDF401(4)
E2 PDF401(4)
Electronic Commerce PDF291(3)
electronic components PDF291(3)
electronics manufacturing PDF291(3)
encryption PDF401(4)
encryption PDF97(1)
encryption PDF401(4)
encryption PDF435(5)
entangled photons PDF1(1)
entangled photons PDF1(1)
equivalent electrical circuit PDF323(4)
equivalent electrical circuits PDF529(6)
error estimate PDF189(2)
exchange constant PDF261(3)

federal agency cooperation PDF91(1)
fixed point PDF11(1)
fixed-point blackbodies PDF253-259(3)
fixed-point blackbodies PDF253-259(3)
flow properties PDF461-478(5)
formal semantics PDF495(5)
Fraunhofer-Airy profile PDF479(5)
free-air ionization chamber PDF135(2)
Fresnel-Lommel theroy PDF479(5)
function point metrics PDF567(6)

gallium point PDF11(1)
gas constant PDF11(1)
gas standards PDF59(1)
graduated scales PDF225(3)
graduated scales PDF225(3)

heat flux PDF487(5)
high Tc superconductor PDF277(3)
hydrogen bonding distribution PDF173(2)

ideal gas PDF11(1)
illuminance PDF47(1)
image size irradiance PDF479(5)
information modeling PDF291(3)
information technology PDF97(1)
information technology PDF567(6)
infrared spectrometer PDF59(1)
intercomparison PDF47(1)
interferometry PDF225(3)
interferometry PDF225(3)
intrinsic impedance standard PDF529(6)
irradiance PDF487(5)
isotope dilution mass spectrometry PDF141(2)
isotope dilution mass spectrometry PDF141(2)
ITS-90 PDF253-259(3)
ITS-90 PDF253-259(3)
Izod impact test PDF557(6)
Izod impact test PDF557(6)

KIF PDF495(5)
Knowledge Interchange Format PDF495(5)

Laplace transform PDF189(2)
length PDF225(3)
length PDF225(3)
lensless imaging PDF479(5)
local multipoint distribution service PDF579(6)
longitudinal resistance PDF323(4)
luminous flux PDF47(1)
luminous intensity PDF47(1)
luminous responsivity PDF47(1)

magnetic anisotropy PDF261(3)
magnetic microstructure PDF261(3)
magnetism PDF261(3)
measurement PDF141(2)
measurement PDF141(2)
measurement assurance PDF225(3)
measurement assurance PDF225(3)
measurement uncertainty PDF225(3)
measurement uncertainty PDF225(3)
mercury point PDF11(1)
micromagnetics PDF261(3)
microwave propagation PDF579(6)
microwave resonator PDF11(1)
mobile ad hoc networks PDF587(6)
mortar PDF461-478(5)
multi-series connections PDF529(6)
multi-series connections PDF323(4)
multiple diffraction PDF579(6)

nanocrystalline materials PDF261(3)
National Metrology Institute PDF105(5)
National Metrology Institute PDF105(5)
National standards strategy PDF83(1)
near infrared spectroscopy PDF173(2)
neutron scattering PDF261(3)
numeric integration PDF189(2)
numeric transform PDF189(2)

OMB Circular A-119 PDF91(1)
ontology PDF495(5)

parametric downconversion PDF1(1)
parametric downconversion PDF1(1)
parasitic impedances PDF529(6)
pb-doped 2223 PDF277(3)
Petzval PDF479(5)
phase equilibria PDF277(3)
photometer, photometry PDF47(1)
physical phenomena PDF105(5)
physical phenomena PDF105(5)
plastics PDF557(6)
plastics PDF557(6)
polarization interferometer PDF1(1)
polarization interferometer PDF1(1)
polarization mode dispersion (PMD) PDF1(1)
polarization mode dispersion (PMD) PDF1(1)
power efficiency PDF587(6)
pressed polytetrafluoroethylene powder PDF185(2)
primary phase field PDF277(3)
primary standard PDF135(2)
process ontology PDF495(5)
process semantics PDF495(5)
process specification language PDF495(5)
product data standards PDF291(3)
PSL PDF495(5)

quantized Hall resistance PDF529(6)
quantized Hall resistance PDF323(4)
quantum interference PDF1(1)
quantum interference PDF1(1)

radiance temperature PDF253-259(3)
radiance temperature PDF253-259(3)
radiant flux PDF479(5)
Rayleigh PDF479(5)
reference radiation qualities PDF135(2)
relaxation function PDF189(2)
resolution PDF479(5)
rf furnace PDF253-259(3)
rf furnace PDF253-259(3)
rheological measurements PDF461-478(5)
rheological models PDF461-478(5)
rheology PDF461-478(5)

sensor PDF487(5)
small-angle neutron scattering PDF261(3)
software metrics PDF567(6)
spin-wave stiffness PDF261(3)
standard PDF83(1)
standards PDF91(1)
standards policy PDF83(1)
standards strategy PDF83(1)
standards summit PDF83(1)
steel PDF557(6)
steel PDF557(6)
superconductor related materials PDF147(2)
suspension PDF461-478(5)

technical standards PDF91(1)
test methods PDF461-478(5)
time domain PDF189(2)
transfer calibration PDF487(5)
tree PDF579(6)

units PDF47(1)

V-notch PDF557(6)
V-notch PDF557(6)
vegetation PDF579(6)
verification PDF557(6)
verification PDF557(6)

wireless communications PDF579(6)
workability PDF461-478(5)

x-ray and neutron Rietveld refinements PDF147(2)
x-ray reference powder patterns PDF147(2)

Revised: 09/12/00

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