Volume 104 January-February 1999 to Current Issue
Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology
Author Index to Volume 104

Numbers in parentheses in italic type after the volume number are the issue numbers
  • Page numbers link to the articles (which are PDF files)
  • Issue numbers link the Table of Contents for that issue (HTML files)

No. 1 January-February No. 4 July-August
No. 2 March-April No. 5 September-October
No. 3 May-June No. 6 November-December

Barker, E. B.

Status Report on the First Round of the Development of the Advanced Encryption Standard. Dworkin, M. O., Barker, E. B., Foti, J. G., Dodson, D. F., Nechvatal, J. O., Roback, E. A., 104(5), 435PDF (1999).

Barnes, P. Y.

Near Infrared 45{degrees}/0{degrees} Reflectance Factor of Pressed Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Powder. Nadal, M. E., Barnes, P. Y., 104(2), 185PDF (1999).

Beers, J. S.

The NIST Length Scale Interferometer. Beers, J. S., Penzes, W. B., Beers, J. S., Penzes, W. B., 104(3), 225PDF (1999).

Boyes, S. J.

Thermodynamic Temperatures of the Triple Points of Mercury and Gallium and in the Interval 217 K to 303 K. Meyer, C. W., Moldover, M. R., Goodwin, A. R., Boyes, S. J., 104(1), 11PDF (1999).

Bruce, S. S.

Vacuum Processing Technique for Development of Primary Standard Blackbodies. Navarro, M., Murthy, A. V., Johnson, B. C., Saunders, R. D., Saunders, R. D., Murthy, A. V., Navarro, M., Bruce, S. S., Bruce, S. S., Johnson, B. C., 104(3), 253-259PDF (1999).

Burns, D. T.

Comparison of the NIST and BIPM Air-Kerma Standards for Measurements in the Low-Energy X-Ray Range. Burns, D. T., Lamperti, P. J., O'Brien, C. M., 104(2), 135PDF (1999).

Cage, M. E.

Analyzing the Effects of Capacitances-to-Shield in Sample Probes on AC Quantized Hall Resistance Measurements. Jeffery, A. M., Cage, M. E., 104(4), 323PDF (1999).

Chu, P. M.

The NIST Quantitative Infrared Database. Chu, P. M., Lafferty, W. J., Rhoderick, G. C., Guenther, F. R., 104(1), 59PDF (1999).

Cook, L. P.

Primary Phase Field of the Pb-Doped 2223 High Tc Superconductor in the (Bi,Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O System. Greenwood, W., Kearsley, A. J., Cook, L. P., Wong-Ng, W., 104(3), 277PDF (1999).

Dauler, E.

Tests of a Two-Photon Technique for Measuring Polarization Mode Dispersion With Subfemtosecond Precision. Muller, A., Jaeger, G., Dauler, E., Sergienko, A. V., Migdall, A. L., Sergienko, A. V., Dauler, E., Jaeger, G., Migdall, A. L., Muller, A., 104(1), 1PDF (1999).

Dickens, B.

Estimation of Concentration and Bonding Environment of Water Dissolved in Common Solvents Using Near Infrared Absorptivity. Dickens, B., Dickens, S. H., 104(2), 173PDF (1999).

Dickens, S. H.

Estimation of Concentration and Bonding Environment of Water Dissolved in Common Solvents Using Near Infrared Absorptivity. Dickens, S. H., Dickens, B., 104(2), 173PDF (1999).

Dillingham, J.

Crystal Structures and Reference Powder Patterns of BaR^d2^ZnO^d5^ (R=La, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Dy, Ho, Y, Er, and Tm). Wong-Ng, W., Kaduk, J. A., Greenwood, W., Toby, B., Dillingham, J., 104(2), 147PDF (1999).

Dodson, D. F.

Status Report on the First Round of the Development of the Advanced Encryption Standard. Foti, J. G., Dodson, D. F., Dworkin, M. O., Nechvatal, J. O., Barker, E. B., Roback, E. A., 104(5), 435PDF (1999).

Dworkin, M. O.

First Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Candidate Conference. Roback, E. A., Dworkin, M. O., 104(1), 97PDF (1999).

Second Advanced Encryption Standard Candidate Conference. Dworkin, M. O., Dworkin, M. O., 104(4), 401PDF (1999).

Status Report on the First Round of the Development of the Advanced Encryption Standard. Barker, E. B., Nechvatal, J. O., Roback, E. A., Dworkin, M. O., Dodson, D. F., Foti, J. G., 104(5), 435PDF (1999).

Ellerbe, P.

Validation of New Instrumentation for Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometric Determination of Organic Serum Analytes. Welch, M. J., Sniegoski, L. T., Phinney, C., Ellerbe, P., Welch, M. J., Ellerbe, P., Phinney, C., Sniegoski, L. T., 104(2), 141-145PDF (1999).

Ferraris, C. F.

Measurement of the Rheological Properties of High Performance Concrete: State of the Art Report. Ferraris, C. F., 104(5), 461-478PDF (1999).

Foti, J. G.

Status Report on the First Round of the Development of the Advanced Encryption Standard. Barker, E. B., Dodson, D. F., Nechvatal, J. O., Roback, E. A., Dworkin, M. O., Foti, J. G., 104(5), 435PDF (1999).

Goodman, T.

Trilateral Intercomparison of Photometric Units Maintained at NIST (USA), NPL (UK), and PTB (Germany). Goodman, T., Ohno, Y., Sauter, G., 104(1), 47PDF (1999).

Goodwin, A. R.

Thermodynamic Temperatures of the Triple Points of Mercury and Gallium and in the Interval 217 K to 303 K. Goodwin, A. R., Meyer, C. W., Boyes, S. J., Moldover, M. R., 104(1), 11PDF (1999).

Greenwood, W.

Crystal Structures and Reference Powder Patterns of BaR^d2^ZnO^d5^ (R=La, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Dy, Ho, Y, Er, and Tm). Toby, B., Greenwood, W., Wong-Ng, W., Kaduk, J. A., Dillingham, J., 104(2), 147PDF (1999).

Primary Phase Field of the Pb-Doped 2223 High Tc Superconductor in the (Bi,Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O System. Kearsley, A. J., Cook, L. P., Greenwood, W., Wong-Ng, W., 104(3), 277PDF (1999).

Guenther, F. R.

The NIST Quantitative Infrared Database. Chu, P. M., Lafferty, W. J., Rhoderick, G. C., Guenther, F. R., 104(1), 59PDF (1999).

Jaeger, G.

Tests of a Two-Photon Technique for Measuring Polarization Mode Dispersion With Subfemtosecond Precision. Migdall, A. L., Sergienko, A. V., Muller, A., Muller, A., Migdall, A. L., Dauler, E., Sergienko, A. V., Dauler, E., Jaeger, G., Jaeger, G., 104(1), 1PDF (1999).

Jeffery, A. M.

Analyzing the Effects of Capacitances-to-Shield in Sample Probes on AC Quantized Hall Resistance Measurements. Jeffery, A. M., Cage, M. E., 104(4), 323PDF (1999).

Johnsen Leuteritz, K. J.

Overview of the Federal Technical Standards Conference. Johnsen Leuteritz, K. J., 104(1), 91PDF (1999).

Toward a National Standards Strategy to Meet Global Needs. Leight, W. G., Johnsen Leuteritz, K. J., 104(1), 83PDF (1999).

Johnson, B. C.

Vacuum Processing Technique for Development of Primary Standard Blackbodies. Murthy, A. V., Johnson, B. C., Saunders, R. D., Navarro, M., Bruce, S. S., Navarro, M., Saunders, R. D., Bruce, S. S., Murthy, A. V., Johnson, B. C., 104(3), 253-259PDF (1999).

Kaduk, J. A.

Crystal Structures and Reference Powder Patterns of BaR^d2^ZnO^d5^ (R=La, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Dy, Ho, Y, Er, and Tm). Wong-Ng, W., Kaduk, J. A., Dillingham, J., Toby, B., Greenwood, W., 104(2), 147PDF (1999).

Kearsley, A. J.

Primary Phase Field of the Pb-Doped 2223 High Tc Superconductor in the (Bi,Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O System. Greenwood, W., Cook, L. P., Wong-Ng, W., Kearsley, A. J., 104(3), 277PDF (1999).

Lafferty, W. J.

The NIST Quantitative Infrared Database. Guenther, F. R., Chu, P. M., Lafferty, W. J., Rhoderick, G. C., 104(1), 59PDF (1999).

Lamperti, P. J.

Comparison of the NIST and BIPM Air-Kerma Standards for Measurements in the Low-Energy X-Ray Range. Burns, D. T., Lamperti, P. J., O'Brien, C. M., 104(2), 135PDF (1999).

Leight, W. G.

Toward a National Standards Strategy to Meet Global Needs. Johnsen Leuteritz, K. J., Leight, W. G., 104(1), 83PDF (1999).

McCaleb, M. R.

A Conceptual Data Model of Datum Systems. McCaleb, M. R., 104(4), 349PDF (1999).

McMichael, R. D.

Small Angle Neutron Scattering by the Magnetic Microstructure of Nanocrystalline Ferromagnets Near Saturation. Shull, R. D., Weissmuller, J., McMichael, R. D., Michels, A., 104(3), 261PDF (1999).

Meyer, C. W.

Thermodynamic Temperatures of the Triple Points of Mercury and Gallium and in the Interval 217 K to 303 K. Moldover, M. R., Meyer, C. W., Goodwin, A. R., Boyes, S. J., 104(1), 11PDF (1999).

Michels, A.

Small Angle Neutron Scattering by the Magnetic Microstructure of Nanocrystalline Ferromagnets Near Saturation. Weissmuller, J., Michels, A., Shull, R. D., McMichael, R. D., 104(3), 261PDF (1999).

Mielenz, K. D.

On the Diffraction Limit for Lensless Imaging. Mielenz, K. D., 104(5), 479PDF (1999).

Migdall, A. L.

Tests of a Two-Photon Technique for Measuring Polarization Mode Dispersion With Subfemtosecond Precision. Muller, A., Jaeger, G., Muller, A., Dauler, E., Jaeger, G., Dauler, E., Sergienko, A. V., Migdall, A. L., Sergienko, A. V., Migdall, A. L., 104(1), 1PDF (1999).

Moldover, M. R.

Thermodynamic Temperatures of the Triple Points of Mercury and Gallium and in the Interval 217 K to 303 K. Goodwin, A. R., Meyer, C. W., Moldover, M. R., Boyes, S. J., 104(1), 11PDF (1999).

Mopsik, F. I.

A Fast Method of Transforming Relaxation Functions Into the Frequency Domain. Mopsik, F. I., 104(2), 189PDF (1999).

Muller, A.

Tests of a Two-Photon Technique for Measuring Polarization Mode Dispersion With Subfemtosecond Precision. Sergienko, A. V., Jaeger, G., Sergienko, A. V., Dauler, E., Jaeger, G., Migdall, A. L., Dauler, E., Muller, A., Migdall, A. L., Muller, A., 104(1), 1PDF (1999).

Murthy, A. V.

Comparative Calibration of Heat Flux Sensors in Two Blackbody Facilities. Tsai, B. K., Murthy, A. V., Saunders, R. D., 104(5), 487PDF (1999).

Vacuum Processing Technique for Development of Primary Standard Blackbodies. Navarro, M., Johnson, B. C., Navarro, M., Bruce, S. S., Saunders, R. D., Murthy, A. V., Bruce, S. S., Murthy, A. V., Johnson, B. C., Saunders, R. D., 104(3), 253-259PDF (1999).

Nadal, M. E.

Near Infrared 45{degrees}/0{degrees} Reflectance Factor of Pressed Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Powder. Barnes, P. Y., Nadal, M. E., 104(2), 185PDF (1999).

Navarro, M.

Vacuum Processing Technique for Development of Primary Standard Blackbodies. Saunders, R. D., Johnson, B. C., Murthy, A. V., Bruce, S. S., Murthy, A. V., Navarro, M., Navarro, M., Saunders, R. D., Bruce, S. S., Johnson, B. C., 104(3), 253-259PDF (1999).

Nechvatal, J. O.

Status Report on the First Round of the Development of the Advanced Encryption Standard. Barker, E. B., Foti, J. G., Dodson, D. F., Nechvatal, J. O., Roback, E. A., Dworkin, M. O., 104(5), 435PDF (1999).

O'Brien, C. M.

Comparison of the NIST and BIPM Air-Kerma Standards for Measurements in the Low-Energy X-Ray Range. Burns, D. T., Lamperti, P. J., O'Brien, C. M., 104(2), 135PDF (1999).

Ohno, Y.

Trilateral Intercomparison of Photometric Units Maintained at NIST (USA), NPL (UK), and PTB (Germany). Goodman, T., Sauter, G., Ohno, Y., 104(1), 47PDF (1999).

Parks, C.

Electronic Commerce of Component Information Workshop. St. Pierre, J. A., Waxman, R., Parks, C., 104(3), 291PDF (1999).

Penzes, W. B.

The NIST Length Scale Interferometer. Beers, J. S., Penzes, W. B., Penzes, W. B., Beers, J. S., 104(3), 225PDF (1999).

Phinney, C.

Validation of New Instrumentation for Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometric Determination of Organic Serum Analytes. Welch, M. J., Welch, M. J., Ellerbe, P., Phinney, C., Sniegoski, L. T., Sniegoski, L. T., Phinney, C., Ellerbe, P., 104(2), 141-145PDF (1999).

Rhoderick, G. C.

The NIST Quantitative Infrared Database. Chu, P. M., Rhoderick, G. C., Lafferty, W. J., Guenther, F. R., 104(1), 59PDF (1999).

Roback, E. A.

First Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Candidate Conference. Roback, E. A., Dworkin, M. O., 104(1), 97PDF (1999).

Status Report on the First Round of the Development of the Advanced Encryption Standard. Barker, E. B., Foti, J. G., Dodson, D. F., Dworkin, M. O., Nechvatal, J. O., Roback, E. A., 104(5), 435PDF (1999).

Saunders, R. D.

Comparative Calibration of Heat Flux Sensors in Two Blackbody Facilities. Tsai, B. K., Saunders, R. D., Murthy, A. V., 104(5), 487PDF (1999).

Vacuum Processing Technique for Development of Primary Standard Blackbodies. Bruce, S. S., Saunders, R. D., Navarro, M., Navarro, M., Johnson, B. C., Bruce, S. S., Murthy, A. V., Johnson, B. C., Saunders, R. D., Murthy, A. V., 104(3), 253-259PDF (1999).

Sauter, G.

Trilateral Intercomparison of Photometric Units Maintained at NIST (USA), NPL (UK), and PTB (Germany). Goodman, T., Sauter, G., Ohno, Y., 104(1), 47PDF (1999).

Schlenoff, C. I.

Second Process Specification Language (PSL) Roundtable. Schlenoff, C. I., 104(5), 495PDF (1999).

Sergienko, A. V.

Tests of a Two-Photon Technique for Measuring Polarization Mode Dispersion With Subfemtosecond Precision. Migdall, A. L., Muller, A., Migdall, A. L., Sergienko, A. V., Sergienko, A. V., Jaeger, G., Muller, A., Dauler, E., Jaeger, G., Dauler, E., 104(1), 1PDF (1999).

Shull, R. D.

Small Angle Neutron Scattering by the Magnetic Microstructure of Nanocrystalline Ferromagnets Near Saturation. Shull, R. D., McMichael, R. D., Weissmuller, J., Michels, A., 104(3), 261PDF (1999).

Sniegoski, L. T.

Validation of New Instrumentation for Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometric Determination of Organic Serum Analytes. Ellerbe, P., Sniegoski, L. T., Phinney, C., Welch, M. J., Ellerbe, P., Welch, M. J., Sniegoski, L. T., Phinney, C., 104(2), 141-145PDF (1999).

St. Pierre, J. A.

Electronic Commerce of Component Information Workshop. St. Pierre, J. A., Waxman, R., Parks, C., 104(3), 291PDF (1999).

Toby, B.

Crystal Structures and Reference Powder Patterns of BaR^d2^ZnO^d5^ (R=La, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Dy, Ho, Y, Er, and Tm). Kaduk, J. A., Wong-Ng, W., Greenwood, W., Toby, B., Dillingham, J., 104(2), 147PDF (1999).

Tsai, B. K.

Comparative Calibration of Heat Flux Sensors in Two Blackbody Facilities. Tsai, B. K., Saunders, R. D., Murthy, A. V., 104(5), 487PDF (1999).

Waxman, R.

Electronic Commerce of Component Information Workshop. Waxman, R., Parks, C., St. Pierre, J. A., 104(3), 291PDF (1999).

Weissmuller, J.

Small Angle Neutron Scattering by the Magnetic Microstructure of Nanocrystalline Ferromagnets Near Saturation. McMichael, R. D., Michels, A., Shull, R. D., Weissmuller, J., 104(3), 261PDF (1999).

Welch, M. J.

Validation of New Instrumentation for Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometric Determination of Organic Serum Analytes. Sniegoski, L. T., Phinney, C., Phinney, C., Ellerbe, P., Welch, M. J., Welch, M. J., Sniegoski, L. T., Ellerbe, P., 104(2), 141-145PDF (1999).

Wong-Ng, W.

Crystal Structures and Reference Powder Patterns of BaR^d2^ZnO^d5^ (R=La, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Dy, Ho, Y, Er, and Tm). Kaduk, J. A., Wong-Ng, W., Greenwood, W., Toby, B., Dillingham, J., 104(2), 147PDF (1999).

Primary Phase Field of the Pb-Doped 2223 High Tc Superconductor in the (Bi,Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O System. Greenwood, W., Cook, L. P., Kearsley, A. J., Wong-Ng, W., 104(3), 277PDF (1999).

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