The index includes subjects and names of NBS/ NIST staff members mentioned in the accounts of the publications, as well as names of those who prepared the accounts. The page number listed is the starting page of the account.

Abramowitz, Milton, 135
AC-DC transfer standards, 90
Achenbach, Paul R. (Reece), 260
acoustic thermometry, 339
acoustics, 53, 69
AD-X2, 129
adhesives, 174
Advanced Technology Program, 359
aerodynamics, 46
Agency for International Development, 230
Ainsworth, E. L., 86
air conditioning, 10, 270
Albus, James S., 237, 322
Alexander, S. N., 86
algorithms, 77, 81, 250
alloys, 14
Ambler, Ernest, 111
American Ceramic Society, 184
ampere, 56
AMRF, 322
analytical chemistry, 97, 164, 188
Anderson, Michael, 375
antennas, 319
Antosiewicz, H. A., 135
Arend, Peter Vander, 107
ASCII, 172
Astin, Allen V., 59, 230, 291
atomic energy levels, 73
atomic spectra, 73, 116, 200
atomic weights, 194
ATP, 359
Atwater, Wilbur O., 5
Austin, Louis W., 120
autoionization, 116
Automated Manufacturing Research Facility, 322
aviation, 38
Avogadro constant, 194
Ayres, Robert, 209

Babrauskas, V., 280
Baldrige Criteria, 357
Barbrow, Louis, E., 174
Barger, Dick, 191
Barnett, Dean, 100
Beck, Charles M., II, 97
Bekkedahl, N., 104
Belanger, Brian, 16, 167
Belecki, Norman B., 5, 56, 63, 90, 315
Bell, R. K., 56, 63, 90, 315
Bentz, Dale, 33
Berk, Norman F., 303
Bernstein, Barry, 126
Bichowsky, F. R., 93
Bicking, George W., 66
Birmingham, Bascom, 107
blackbody radiation, 7, 25
Blandford, Josephine M., 174
Block, Stanley, 100
Bogue, Robert, 33
Boisvert, Ronald F., 135, 140
Boltzmann constant, 339
Borchardt, Bruce, 241
Bose-Einstein condensation, 331, 375
boundary layers, 46
Bowen, R., 309
Boyd, H. S., 19
Brady, Charles, 350
Brady, Edward L., 230, 291
Bragaw, C. L., 120
Branscomb, Lewis M., 135, 230, 234, 291
Branstad, Dennis, 250
Braun, E., 347
Breckenridge, Frank, 69
Breen, Bettijoyce, 254
Breitenberg, Maureen, 366
Brenner, F. Cecil, 174
Brickencamp, Carroll, 167
Brickwedde, Ferdinand G, 43, 107
bridges of Koš nigsburg, 140
Briggs, Lyman J., 1
Bright, Harry Aaron, 97
broadcasting (radio), 16
Brown, E. A., 59
Brown, James E., 344
Brown, Walter E., 309
Building and Housing Series, 22
building codes, 22, 275, 283, 347
building materials, 10, 22
Building Science Series, 260
buildings, 260, 266
Bukowski, Richard, 347
Buntin, Steve, 334
Bunting, E. N., 100
Burgess, G. K., 230, 291
Burns, Grace, 174
Burr, William E., 250

CAD/ CAM, 246, 322
Cage, Marvin E., 56, 63, 315
Cahill, William F., 135
Cahn, John, 300
Cali, J. Paul, 227
calibration, 129, 227, 230
calorimetry, 93, 178
Cameron, Joseph, 129, 132, 167
candela, 7, 25
Carpenter, B. Stephen, 230
Cavallo, Lucy M., 209
Cavanagh, Rich, 334
Celotta, Robert J., 203
Cement and Concrete Reference Laboratory, 33
cement, 33
ceramics, 181, 184
cerebellar model articulation controller, 237
chain folding, 104
Chamberlain, G. E., 297
Chang, Connie, 359
Charters of Freedom, 66
Chelton, Dudley, 107
chemical analysis, 97, 164, 188
Chemical Information System, 254
chemical kinetics, 224
chemical structure searching, 86
Chemical Thermodynamics Data Center, 93
Chemistry WebBook, 93
Cheok, Geraldine, 140
Chi, J., 270
Chinese postman problem, 140
Churney, Kenneth, 178
Civil Aeronautics Administration, 38
Clark, Al F., 294, 306
Clark, Charles W., 116, 334
Clevinger, Mary A., 184
Coblentz Society, 7
Coblentz, William W., 7, 25
CODATA, 1, 93, 291
Codling, Keith, 116
Collaborative Testing Services, Inc., 66
ColleŽ, Ron, 129, 209
color standards, 25, 145, 174
colorimetry, 25
combinatorial algorithms, 140
compilers, 258
computer-aided manufacturing, 246, 322
computers, 86, 172, 250, 254
concrete, 33
condensed matter physics, 203
Condon, Edward U., 73, 77, 107, 230
configuration interaction, 116
conformance testing, 258
conjugate gradients method, 81
consumer information, 174
control systems, 237
Cook, Richard K., 53, 69
Cooper, J. W., 86
coordinate measuring machine, 241
Cooter, I. L., 63
Coriell, Sam, 14
Corliss, Charles, 73
Corliss, Edith L. R., 174
Cornell, Eric, 375
corrosion, 174
Coursey, Bert, 209
Critchfield, C., 56
critical point, 149, 152
Croarkin, M. Carroll, 129, 132
Cromer, Chris, 178
Cryogenic Engineering Conference, 107
cryogenics, 43, 107, 111, 294
crystallography, 100, 188, 300, 303
Cugini, John, 258
currency, 66
current measurement, 90
Currie, Lloyd, 164, 209
Curtis, H. L., 56
Curtis, R. W., 56
Curtiss, John, 77
Cutkosky, R. D., 56

Danielson, Bruce L., 191, 297
data analysis, 132
data encryption, 250
database management, 254, 291
Davis, G. T., 104
Davis, Philip J., 135
Davis, Rich, 339
Davis, Ruth M., 250
Davis, Tom, 104
Day, Gordon W., 191, 297
Dellinger, John H., 16, 120
densitometers, 145
dental research, 309
DeSimone, Daniel, 234
Deslattes, Richard D., 194
desorption, 219
detection limit, 164
deterministic metrology, 241
Deters, Teresa, 73
deuterium, 43
developing countries, 230
diamond anvil pressure cell, 100
Diamond Ordnance Fuze Laboratory, 59
Diamond, Harry, 38, 59
Dickinson, Hobart, 10
Didion, David A., 270
DIET, 219
Digital Library of Mathematical Functions, 135
DiMarzio, E. A., 104
dimensional metrology, 19
direction finder, 38
disaster alleviation, 283, 350
Doiron, Ted, 19, 241
Domalski, Eugene, 93
dopant density, 289
Dowell, Marla, 178
Driscoll, R. L., 56
Drullinger, R. E., 200
Dryden, Hugh L., 46
Dunmore, Francis, 38
Duralumin, 14
dwelling construction, 22
Dziuba, Ronald F., 56, 63, 315


Economics, 260
Ederer, David, 116
Edmonds, Jack, 140
Edwards, Terry J., 339
Ehrlich, Charles, 167
Eicke, W. G., 315
Eisenhart, Churchill, 129, 132, 167, 241
Ekin, Jack W., 294, 306
Elbourn, R. D., 86
electrical units, 5, 56, 63, 90
electromagnetic wave propagation, 120
electron probe microanalysis, 160
electron sources, 203
electron spectroscopy, 116
electron-stimulated desorption, 219
Electronic Computers Laboratory, 86
Ellingwood, Bruce R., 283
Elmquist, R. E., 56, 63, 315
Emerson, W. B., 25
encryption, 250
energy conservation, 260, 266, 270
energy, 174
Engel, F. H., 38
Epling, Mary, 132
equation of state, 152
Evans, David, 28
Evans, William, 93
Evenson, Ken, 191
exchange formats, 246
Expect, 353


Faller, James, 375
Fano, Ugo, 116, 203
Federal Information Processing Standard, 172, 250
femtochemistry, 334
Ferraris, Chiara, 33
fiber optics, 297
fibers and fabrics, 174
Fickett, Fred R., 294, 306
field emission spectroscopy, 155
field emission, 214
Filliben, James J., 132, 209, 289
Fiori, Charles, 160
FIPS, 172, 250
fire and fire research, 28, 275, 280, 344, 347
fluid properties, 149
Flynn, D. R., 10
Fonoroff, B., 59
Food and Drug Administration, 209
Forman, Richard, 100
Forney, C. L., 347
Forsythe, George, 77, 81
fracture mechanics, 181, 350
Franzen, Douglas L., 178, 297
Freeman, George, 107
Freiman, Stephen, 181
French, Judson C., 123
frequency measurements, 191
frequency standards, 200, 331
Friedman, D. C., 86
Frohnsdorff, Geoffrey, 33
Frolen, L, 104
Fuhr, Jeffrey, 73
Fuller, Edwin, 181
fundamental physical constants, 1


Gadzuk, J. William, 155, 214, 219, 334
gage blocks, 19
Galawa, R. L., 297
Galejs, Anija, 203
gamma rays, 194
Garboczi, Edward, 33
Garfinkel, Samuel B., 209
Garner, Ernest, 167
gas constant, 339
Gass, Saul, 140
Gayle, Frank, 300
Gibson, Kasson S., 25
Gibson-Tyndall curve, 25
Gifford, William, 107
Gilchrist, R., 97
Gilliland, T. R., 120
Gills, Thomas E., 227, 313
Ginnings, Defoe C., 7, 49
glass, 181
Goldberg, Karl, 135
Goldberg, Robert, 93
Goldfarb, Ron B., 294
Goldman, Alan, 140
Gordon, Fannie M., 77
Gornick, F., 104
Gould, Phillip, 331
graph theory, 140
Gray, Martha M., 172
Green, M. S., 149, 152
Greenspan, Martin, 69
Gross, Daniel, 28
Grossman, E. N., 90
Grover, Frederick W., 5, 16
guarded hot plate, 10
Guide to Available Software, 77
Guthrie, William, 132
Guttman, C. M., 104

Haar, Lester, 49
Hague, J. L., 97
Hahn, M. H., 10
Hall, John, 191
Hamer, Walter J., 43
Hamilton, Clark A., 315
Handwerker, Carol, 300
Hardis, Jonathan E., 25
Harper, D. R., III, 10
Harris, Forest K., 230
Hartman, Ike, 371
Harvey, Allan H., 49
Hasko, Steve, 132
Haueter, Ruth C., 86
Haynsworth, Emilie V., 135
Hayward, Raymond W., 111
HAZARD1 software, 347
health care facilities, 275
hearing, 53
hearing aids, 174
heat release in fires, 280
heat transfer, 10
heating and cooling systems, 266, 270
Heckert, Alan, 132
Heinrich, Kurt F. J., 160
Heldenbrand, Jim L., 260
Hembree, Gary, 371
Henins, Albert, 194
Hermach, Francis L., 90
Hestenes, Magnus, 77, 81
Heydemann, Peter, 230
high pressure research, 100
Hill, D. A., 120
Hill, James E., 270
Hillebrand, William Francis, 97
Hilsenrath, Joseph, 49, 254
Hinman, W. S., Jr., 59
Hirshfeld, Alan, 209
Hocken, Robert, 241, 322
Hoffman, James Irvin, 97
Hoffman, John, 104
Holberton, Frances E. (Betty) Snyder, 258
Holt, A. W., 86
Hoppes, Dale D., 111
Huang, D. X, 90
Hudson, Ralph P., 111, 339
Huggett, Clayton, 280
Huntoon, Robert D., 59
Hust, Jerry G., 294
Hutchinson, J. M. R. (Robin), 209
HVAC, 266, 270
hydrocarbons properties, 93
hydrogen isotopes, 43

icosahedral crystal symmetry, 300
IGES, 246
image processing, 86
impedance, 5
Inaba, Atsushi, 344
inductance, 5
Industrializing Economies, 230
information security, 250
infrared spectroscopy, 7, 100
Ingberg, Simon, 28
initial graphics exchange specification, 246
Inn, Kenneth, 209
inorganic analysis, 97
Insley, Herbert, 184
Institute for Numerical Analysis, 77, 81
insulation, thermal, 10
Interamerican Metrology System, 230
interferometry, 19, 194
International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam, 49
International Bureau of Weights and Measures, 1
international cooperation, 230
International Critical Tables, 1, 291
International Temperature Scale of 1990, 339
Internet sites, 1
ion storage, 200
ionosphere, 120
ISO 9000, 366
isotopes, 43
Itano, W. M., 200


Jacobs, Madeleine, 174
Jacobs, Robert, 107
JANAF Tables, 93
Jeffrey, Anne-Marie, 5, 56, 63, 315
Jennings, Don, 178
Jennings, Hamlin, 33
Johnson, Stephen, 33
Johnson, Victor, 107
Jones, W. W., 347
Josephson voltage standard, 315
Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data, 291
Journal of Research of NBS/ NIST, 1
Joy, David C., 328
Judd, Deane B., 25, 174


Karen, Vicky Lynn, 188
Kasen, M. B., 294
Kashiwagi, Takashi, 344
Kautz, Richard L., 315
Kearsley, Elliot A., 126
Kelly Committee, 59
Kelly, George, E., 270
Kemmerer, Sharon J., 246
Kern, David, 319
Khoury, Freddy, 104
Kim, E. M., 297
Kinard, Joseph R., 56, 63, 90, 315
kinetics, 224
King, David, 334
Kirsch, Russell A., 86
Klein, Ralph, 219, 224
Knowles, H. B., 97
Koch, J. A., 90
Koenig, Joan, 368
Kotter, F. R., 63
Kropschot, Richard H., 107
Kruger, Jerome, 174
Ku, Harry, 129, 167, 209, 227
Kusuda, Tamami (Tom), 260, 266
Kuyatt, Chris E., 116, 129, 155, 203

laboratory accreditation, 167
Laidlaw, Frances, 359
Lanczos, Cornelius, 77, 81
Land, J. L., 368
Larrabee, Robert, 328
laser cooling, 200, 331, 375
laser excited desorption, 334
laser frequency measurements, 191
laser power and energy measurement, 178
Lashof, Theodore, 66
Launer, Herbert F., 66
Lauritzen, John, Jr., 104
Lawrence, James, 140
Lazar, John, 241
Leaderman, Herbert, 126
Ledbetter, Hassel, 294
Lehman, Shirley Young, 132
Leight, Walter G., 174
Leiner, A. L., 86
length standards, 19
Leonhardt, Rod, 178
Lett, Paul, 331
Lettieri, Tom, 371
Levelt Sengers, Johanna M. H., 49, 152
Levin, Ernest M., 184
Libes, Don, 353
Lide, Bettijoyce, 254
Lide, David R., 1, 93, 230, 231
Liepman, David S, 135
Liggett, Walter, 209
light properties, 25
light scattering, 149
Lindstrom, Richard M., 164
line shape, 116
linear systems of equations, 81
linewidth metrology, 328
Lipe, T. E., 90
Lippincott, Ellis, 100
Little, John L., 172
Liu, Y. M., 289
Livigni, David, 178
Lloyd, Francis L., 315
low-temperature materials, 294
Lozier, Daniel W., 135
Luecke, William, 174
Luke, Yudell, 135
luminous intensity, 25
Lundell, Gustav Ernst Fredrik, 97
Lyons, John W., 59


Madden, Robert, 116
Madey, Theodore, 219
Mahaffey, Charles T., 260
Malcomb Baldrige Quality Award, 357
Mandel, John, 66
Mandelkern, L., 104
Mann, Douglas, 107
Mann, Wilfrid Basil, 209
manufacturing, 322, 363
Manufacturing Extension Partnership, 363
maps, 66
Marienko, Ryna, 160
Marshall, Harold E., 260
Martin, Georgia, 73
Martin, William C., 73
Martys, Nicos, 33
Marx, Egon, 371
Mason, H. L., 230
mathematical functions, 135
mathematical tables, 77, 135
matrix eigenvalue problems, 77
Mattis, R. L., 289
Mayo-Wells, John F., 5, 56, 63, 90, 315, 319
McCamy, Calvin S., 145
McColskey, David, 350
McCoubrey, Arthur, 167
McHenry, Harry I., 294, 350
McMurdie, Howard, 100, 184
McNesby, James R., 224
McNish, A. G., 135
Mears, Thomas W., 227
Mease, Norman E., 46
measurement assurance, 129, 167, 209
measurement systems, 227
measuring machines, 241
Mehl, J. B., 339
Melmed, Al, 155, 219
MEP, 363
Merica, Paul D., 14
Messina, Carla G., 184
metallurgy, 350
meter, 191
metric system, 174, 234
metrology, 241
Michaelis, Robert E., 227
microanalysis, 160
microfilm preservation, 145
microphones, 53
microtopography, 214
microwave antennas, 319
microwave propagation, 120
Mielczarek, Stan, 203
Mighell, Alan D., 188
Miller, J. M., 16
minerals and rocks, 97
missiles, 59
Mohr, Peter J., 1
Moldover, Michael R., 339
Moore, Charlotte E., 73
Moulder, John C., 294
Mountain, Raymond D., 149, 152
Munro, Ronald, 184, 188, 300, 309
Musgrove, Arlene, 73
Myklebust, Robert, 160


Nagel, Roger, 246, 322
National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, 46
National Applied Mathematical Laboratories, 135
National Conference on Weights and Measures, 368
National Defense Research Committee, 59
National Standard Reference Data System, 1, 230, 291
National Type Evaluation Program, 368
Natrella, Mary Gibbons, 132
navigational aids, 38
near-field antenna measurements, 319
Nedzelnitsky, Victor, 53
Nelson, Harold, 275
neutron diffraction, 303
Newbury, Dale E., 160
Newell, D. B., 56
Newman, M., 135
Nobel Prize, related to NBS/ NIST work, 43, 111, 155, 214, 331
Novotny, D. B., 90
nuclear medicine, 209
Nyyssonen, Diana, 328


O'Brien, Anita, 363
O'Leary, Dianne P., 77, 81
O'Leary, M. J., 66
Oberhettinger, Fritz, 135
Office of Scientific Research and Development, 59
ohm, 63
Okabe, Hideo, 224
Oldham, Nile M., 56, 63, 315
Olsen, P. T., 56
Olver, F. W. J., 135
Omnidata, 254
Ondik, Helen M., 184
operations research, 140
optical density, 145
optical fibers, 297
optical interferometry, 194
optical modulation, 145
Ordnance Development Division, 59
Osbourne, Nathan S., 10, 49
Oser, Hans J., 38
oxygen consumption calorimetry, 280

Paffenbarger, George Colby, 309
Page, Chester, 59
Paige, L., 81
paper, 66
parity conservation, 111
Parker, Elizabeth, 258
Parker, William, 280
Parr, Albert, 7
Parsons, Douglas, 209
particle-sizing standards, 371
Passaglia, E., 1, 104
Peacock, R. D., 347
Peavy, B. A., 10
Peavy, S, 135
Peiser, H. Steffen, 43, 230
Peters, Chauncy, 19
Petersen, Russ, 191
Peterson, C. L., 63
Peterson, Stephen, 174, 260
phase equilibria diagrams, 184
Phillips, William, 200, 331, 375
photochemistry, 219, 224
photography, 145
photomask standards, 328
photometry, 7, 25
Pierce, Daniel T., 203
Piermarini, Gasper, 100
Pike, J. L., 86
Planck's constant, 7
plastics, 344
Plitt, Karl F., 174
Plumb, Harmon, 167
Plummer, E. Ward, 155
Polonsky, Ivan, 135
polymer crystallization, 104
polymers, 126, 344
polystyrene spheres, 371
Pontius, Paul, 129
Portland Cement Association Fellowship, 33
Postek, Michael T., 328
Potzick, James E., 46
Powell, Cedric J., 219
Powell, F. J., 10
Powell, Jeanne, 359
Powell, Robert, 107
precipitation hardening, 14
precision and accuracy, 129
pressure calibration, 100
Proctor, Thomas M., 69
protein crystallography, 303
Protein Data Bank, 1
proximity fuzes, 59
Purtscher, Patrick, 350


quality award, 357
quality control, 313
quality standards, 366
quantum mechanics, 111
quasicrystals, 300


Rabinow, Jacob, 59
Radack, Shirley, 174
radiant energy, 25
radio, 16, 120
radio-beacons, 38
radioactivity standards, 209
radiochemistry, 164
radiometry, 7
radionuclides, 209
radiopharmaceuticals, 209
Rasberry, Stanley, 160, 167
Read, Dave T., 294, 350
Reader, Joseph, 73
reduced cells, 188
Reed, Richard P., 294
Reed, William P., 227
Reeve, Charles, 241
reflectance, 145
refrigeration, 10
Reilly, M. L., 7
Reinstsema, C. D., 90
Repjar, A. G., 319
resistance standards, 63
resistivity in silicon, 289
rheology, 126
Richter, Lee, 334
Richter, Ralph A., 234
Ripple, Dean, 339
Robbins, Carl R., 184
Robinson, Henry, 10
robotics, 237
Rolston, Steven, 331
Rosa, Edward B, 1, 5
Ross, G. S., 104
Rosser, J. Barkley, 77, 81
Rossini, Frederick D., 93
Roth, Robert S., 184
Ruegg, Rosalie, 359
Rumble, John R., Jr., 93, 230, 254, 291

Sanchez, I. C., 104
Santoro, Antonio, 188
scaling theory, 152
scanning probe microscopy, 214
scanning tunneling microscope, 155
Schafft, Harry A., 123
Scheer, M. D., 219
Schenck, Peter K., 184
Schiller, Susannah, B., 313
Schmidt, Leonard, 178
Schooley, James, 1
Schoonover, Irl, 100
Schubauer, Galen, 46
Scire, Fredric, 214
Scott, H, 14
Scott, Russell B., 107
Scott, Thomas R., 178
Scribner, B. F., 97
SEAC, 86, 172
second breakdown, 123
security alarms, 174
semiconductor device metrology, 328
semiconductors, 289
SEMPA, 203
Sengers, Johanna, 49, 152
Severo, Norman C., 132, 135
Seward, Richard W., 227
Shaw, Merle B., 66
Shives, T. Robert, 350
Shupe, P. D., 86
SI (International System of Units), 1, 5, 25, 56, 63, 90, 191, 194, 234,
Sienkiewicz, Robert, 359
Siewert, Tom, 350
silicon, 289
Simiu, E., 283
Simpson, John A, 116, 155, 167, 203, 241, 322
Sjošlin, Lennart, 303
Skramstad, Harold K., 46
Slutz, R. J., 86
Small, John, 160
Smid, Miles, 250
Smith, Bradford, 322
Smith, J. L., 86
smoke detectors, 174
Smyth, Deborah, 357
Snyder, Kenneth, 33
Snyder, W. F., 120
software testing, 258, 353
Somerville, Paul, 132
sound pressure, 53
sound waves, 69
Southard, Thomas H., 135
Southworth, G. C., 16
space beads, 371
Sparks, Larry L., 294
spectroscopy, 7, 73, 116, 155, 194, 200, 331, 375
speed of light, 191
spin-polarized electrons, 203
Spivack, Richard N., 359
standard reference data, 49, 73, 93, 184, 230, 254, 291
standard reference materials, 209, 227, 230, 313, 371
Stanley, Connie, 227
Statistical Engineering Laboratory, 129, 132
statistics, 129, 132, 164, 167
steam tables, 49
Steckler, Kenneth D., 280
Steel, Eric, 160
Stefan-Boltzmann constant, 7, 339
Stein, Phil, 167
Stein, Steve, 254
Steiner, Bruce, 25
Steiner, Richard L., 56, 315
Stephenson, John, 334
Stigler, Stephen, 129
Stimson, Harold F., 49
Stratton, Samuel Wesley, 5, 7
stress relaxation, 126
Stroup, David, 275
structural design, 283
Sugar, Jack, 73
Sullivan, Donald B., 191, 200
superconductors, 306
supercritical fluids, 152
surface science, 155, 214, 219, 334
synchrotron radiation, 116


Tang, Yi-hua, 56, 63, 315
Taylor, Barry, 1, 129
Taylor, James, 22
Taylor, John Keenan, 97, 313
Teague, E. C., 214
Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry, 66
technology development, 359
Tesk, John A., 309
thermal conductivity, 10
thermal converters, 90
thermal insulation, 10
thermodynamics, 49, 93, 152
Thomas, James L., 63
Thompson, George N., 22
three-dimensional metrology, 241
Thurber, W. Robert, 289
Tilley, W. Reeves, 174
time-dependent materials, 126
tires, 174
Tobler, R. L., 294
topografiner, 214
traceability, 167, 209
Trahey, Nancy M., 313
transistors, 123
Trusler, J. P. Martin, 339
Tschiegg, Carl, 69
turbulence, 46
Tyndall, Edward P. T., 25


Ugiansky, Gil M., 368
uncertainty, 129
Unertl, Bill, 203
Univac, 86
universal gas constant, 339
Universal Product Code, 174

Van Dusen, Milton, 10
Van Valkenburg, Alvin, 100
Vanderah, Terrell A., 184
velocity of light, 191
Vicentini-Missoni, M., 152
Vieth, Donald, 160
Villarrubia, J. S., 214
viscoelasticity, 126
visibility of radiant energy, 25
volt and voltage measurement, 90, 315

Wachtman, John B., 100
Wagman, Donald, 93
Wagner, Leon, 107
Wait, James R., 120
Walls, F. L., 200
Waltenberg, R. G., 14
Walton, George, 260, 266
Wang, Andrew, 359
Wang, Gwo-Ching, 203
war work at NBS, 1, 46, 59, 66
Ward, John, 214
Washburn, E. W., 1, 291
Watts, Richard, 331
wavelength standards, 194
Web Book (Chemistry), 93
Weber, Charles G., 66
Weeks, J. J., 104
weights and measures, 368
Weinberger, A., 86
Weir, Charles E., 100
Wells, Joe, 191
West, Dale, 178
Westbrook, Christoph, 331
Westbrook, Jack, 254
White, Howard J., 49
Wichers, E., 97
Wiederhorn, Sheldon, 181
Wieman, Carl, 375
Wiese, Wolfgang L., 73
Williams, Edwin R., 56, 63, 315
Wilson, William K., 66, 174
Wineland, David J., 200, 375
Witt, R. P., 86
Witzgall, Christoph, 140
Wlodawer, Alexander, 303
Wood, L. A., 104
Wooley, H. W., 107
World Wide Web sites, 1
Wright, J. H., 86
Wright, James R., 260
Wright, Richard, 28

x-ray diffraction, 188, 303
x-ray wavelength measurements, 194

Yates, John, 219, 334
Yokley, C. R., 7
Yolken, H. Thomas, 227
Youden, W. J., 33, 129, 209
Young, M., 297
Young, Russell D., 155, 214, 219

Zalubas, Romuald, 73
Zapas, Louis J., 126
Zarr, Robert, 10
Zelen, Marvin, 135
Zimmerman, Brian, 209
Zingeser, Joel P., 22
Zucker, Ruth, 135