Volume 110 Number 2 March-April 2005

Front Cover–Title Page–Contents.PDF File 2096 kb


The GOES Time Code Service, 1974-2004: A Retrospective PDF File 3935 kb
Michael A. Lombardi and D. Wayne Hanson

A Summary of Heat-Flux Sensor Calibration Data PDF File 523 kb
A. V. Murthy, G. T. Fraser, and D. P. DeWitt

Quantitating Fluorescence Intensity From Fluorophore: Assignment of MESF Values PDF File 1043 kb
A. K. Gaigalas, Lili Wang, Abe Schwartz, Gerald E. Marti, and Robert F. Vogt

Ba(OH)2 Equilibria in the System Ba-O-H-F, With Application to the Formation of Ba2YCu3OO6.5+x From BaF2-Precursors PDF File 1430 kb
L. P. Cook, W. Wong-Ng, and R. Feenstra

Hamiltonian Paths Through Two- and Three-Dimensional Grids PDF File 900 kb
William F. Mitchell

Subscription Information PDF File 1200 kb

(The electronic file also contains a Journal of Research subscription form, promotional information, and a description of NIST publication series.)