Volume 109 Number 6 November-December 2004

Front Cover–Title Page–Contents. PDF File 1190 kb


A Small-Volume Apparatus for the Measurement of Phase Equilibria PDF File 692 kb
Stephanie L. Outcalt and Byung-Chul Lee

SRM 2460/2461 Standard Bullets and Casings Project PDF File 971 kb
J. Song, E. Whitenton, D. Kelley, R. Clary, L. Ma, S. Ballou, and M. Ols

Properties of Nanostructured Hydroxyapatite Prepared by a Spray Drying Technique PDF File 1063 kb
Laurence C. Chow, Limin Sun, and Bernard Hockey

Preparation and Comprehensive Characterization of a Calcium Hydroxyapatite Reference Material PDF File 741 kb
Milenko Markovic, Bruce O. Fowler, and Ming S. Tung

Ambiguities in Powder Indexing: Conjunction of a Ternary and Binary Lattice Metric Singularity in the Cubic System PDF File 545 kb
Alan D. Mighell

Indexes to Volume 109

Subject Index to Volume 109 PDF File 63 kb

Author Index to Volume 109 PDF File 347 kb

Subscription Information PDF File 1100 kb

(The electronic file also contains a Journal of Research subscription form, promotional information, and a description of NIST publication series.)