Journal of Research of the
National Institute of
Standards and Technology

Volume 109 Number 2 March-April 2004

Front Cover—Title Page—Contents(PDF File) 1130kb


The Remarkable Metrological History of Radiocarbon Dating [II] (PDF File) 3829 kb
L. A. Currie

Characterization of Combinatorial Polymer Blend Composition Gradients by FTIR Microspectroscopy (PDF File) 2906 kb
Naomi Eidelman and Carl G. Simon, Jr.

Spot Weld Analysis With 2D Ultrasonic Arrays (PDF File) 1348 kb
A. A. Denisov, C. M. Shakarji, B. B. Lawford, R. Gr. Maev, and J. M. Paille

Standard Reference Materials (SRMs) for the Calibration and Validation of Analytical Methods for PCBs (as Aroclor Mixtures) (PDF File) 2303 kb
Dianne L. Poster, Michele M. Schantz, Stefan D. Leigh, and Stephen A. Wise

Simulation of Sheared Suspenions With a Parallel Implementation of QDPD (PDF File) 850 kb
James S. Sims and Nicos Martys

Software Architecture for a Virtual Environment for Nano Scale Assembly (VENSA) (PDF File) 802 kb
Yong-Gu Lee, Kevin W. Lyons, and Shaw C. Feng

Intramural Comparison of NIST Laser and Optical Fiber Power Calibrations (PDF File) 1121 kb
John H. Lehman, Igor Vayshenker, David J. Livigni, and Joshua Hadler


Erratum: Statistical Interpretation of Key Comparison Reference Value and Degrees of Equivalence (PDF File) 465 kb
R. N. Kacker, R. U. Datla, and A. C. Parr

Erratum: New National Air-Kerma-Strength Standards for 125I and 103Pd Brachytherapy Seeds (PDF File) 470 kb
Stephen M. Seltzer, Paul J. Lamperti, Robert Loevinger, Michael G. Mitch, James T. Weaver, and Bert M. Coursey

Erratum: Determining the Magnetic Properties of 1 kg Mass Standards (PDF File) 465 kb
Richard S. Davis

Subscription Information(PDF File) 678 kb

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