Volume 104 Number 1 January-February 1999

Front Cover–Title Page–ContentsPDF File 27 kb


Tests of a Two-Photon Technique for Measuring Polarization Mode Dispersion With Subfemtosecond Precision PDF File 149 kb
Eric Dauler, Gregg Jaeger, Antoine Muller, A. Migdall, and A. Sergienko

Thermodynamic Temperatures of the Triple Points of Mercury and Gallium and in the Interval 217 K to 303 K PDF File 502 kb
M. R. Moldover, S. J. Boyes, C. W. Meyer, and A. R. H. Goodwin

Trilateral Intercomparison of Photometric Units Maintained at NIST (USA), NPL (UK), and PTB (Germany) PDF File 85 kb
Yoshi Ohno, Teresa Goodman, and Georg Sauter

The NIST Quantitative Infrared Database PDF File 341 kb
P. M. Chu, F. R. Guenther, G. C. Rhoderick, and W. J. Lafferty

Toward a National Standards Strategy to Meet Global Needs PDF File 52 kb
Walter G. Leight and Krista Johnsen Leuteritz

Overview of the Federal Technical Standards Conference PDF File 39 kb
Krista Johnsen Leuteritz

First Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Candidate Conference PDF File 65 kb
Edward Roback and Morris Dworkin

News Briefs PDF File 326 kb

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