Volume 100 Number 4 July-August 1995

Front Cover–Title Page–ContentsPDF File 89 kb


The Gaseous Electronics Conference RF Reference Cell–An Introduction PDF File 518 kb
J. K. Olthoff and K. E. Greenberg

Current and Voltage Measurements in the Gaseous Electronics Conference RF Reference Cell PDF File 764 kb
Mark A. Sobolewski

Optical Emission Spectroscopy on the Gaseous Electronics Conference RF Reference Cell PDF File 448 kb
J. R. Roberts

Optical Diagnostics in the Gaseous Electronics Conference RF Reference Cell PDF File 197 kb
G. A. Hebner and Kenneth E. Greenberg

Studies of Ion Kinetic-Energy Distributions in the Gaseous Electronics Conference RF Reference Cell PDF File 228 kb
J. K. Olthoff, R. J. Van Brunt, and S. B. Radovanov

Microwave Diagnostic Results from the Gaseous Electronics Conference RF Reference Cell PDF File 193 kb
Lawrence J. Overzet

Langmuir Probe Measurements in the Gaseous Electronics Conference RF Reference Cell PDF File 115 kb
M. B. Hopkins

An Inductively Coupled Plasma Source for the Gaseous Electronics Conference RF Reference Cell PDF File 273 kb
Paul A. Miller, Gregory A. Hebner, Kenneth E. Greenberg, Paul D. Pochan, and Ben P. Aragon

Reactive Ion Etching in the Gaseous Electronics Conference RF Reference Cell PDF File 142 kb
M. L. Brake, J. T. P. Pender, M. J. Buie, A. Ricci, J. Soniker, P. D. Pochan, and P. A. Miller

Dusty Plasma Studies in the Gaseous Electronics Conference RF Reference Cell PDF File 250 kb
H. M. Anderson and S. B. Radovanov

One-Dimensional Modeling Studies of the Gaseous Electronics Conference RF Reference Cell PDF File 238 kb
T. R. Govidan and M. Meyyappan

Two-Dimensional Self-Consistent Radio Frequency Plasma Simulations Relevant to the Gaseous Electronics Conference RF Reference Cell PDF File 477 kb
Dimitris P. Lymberopoulos and Demetre J. Economou

Forty-Seventh Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference - Conference Report PDF File 32 kb
Richard J. Van Brunt and Jean W. Gallagher

News Briefs PDF File 129 kb

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