Volume 100 Number 1 January-February 1995

Front Cover–Title Page–ContentsPDF File 127 kb


Preparation and Calibration of Carrier-Free 209Po Solution Standards PDF File 2560 kb
R. Collé, Zhichao Lin, F. J. Schima, P. A. Hodge, J. W. L. Thomas, J. M. R. Hutchinson, and B. M. Coursey

Spectral Radiance of a Large-Area Integtrating Sphere Source PDF File 79 kb
James H. Walker and Ambler Thompson

Deposition of Diamond Films in a Closed Hot Filament CVD System PDF File 504 kb
Guan-Ren Lai, E. N. Farabaugh, A. Feldman, and L. H. Robins

Variances in the Measurement of Ceramic Powder Properties PDF File 157 kb
R. G. Munro, S. G. Malghan, and S. M. Hsu

On the Applications of Discontinuous Bessel Integrals to Chronoamperometry PDF File 102 kb
William T. Yap, and Richard A. Durst

Third International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM-94) PDF File 185 kb
Elizabeth Fong, Shirley Hurwitz, and Yelena Yesha

Federal Wireless Users' Forum Workshop PDF File 209 kb
Mary K. Ruhl and Tish Antonishek

Workshop on Water: Its Measurement and Control in Vacuum PDF File 599 kb
Stuart A. Tison and J. Patrick Looney

Manufacturing Technology Conference: Toward a Common Agenda PDF File 606 kb
Joseph Hungate

News Briefs PDF File 1743 kb

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