Volume 45 Number 4 October 1950


An Iteration Method for the Solution of the Eigenvalue Problem of Linear Differential and Integral Operators PDF File
Cornelius Lanczos

Measurement of the Internal Diameters of Metallic Capillary Tubes PDF File
Charles T. Collet, John C. Hughes, and Francis C. Morey

Mass Spectra of Some Simple Isotopic Molecules PDF File
Vernon H. Dibeler, Fred L. Mohler, Edmund J. Wells, Jr., and Robert M. Reese

Response Characteristics of Temperature-Sensing Elements for Use in the Control of Jet Engines PDF File
Andrew I. Dahl and Ernest F. Fiock

Dielectric Constants of Aqueous Solutions of Dextrose and Sucrose PDF File
Cyrus G. Malmberg and Arthur A. Maryott

Response of Accelerometers to Transient Accelerations PDF File
Samuel Levy and Wilhelmina D. Kroll

Electrode Deterioration in Transmit-Receive Tubes1 PDF File
Judson C. French

Test Mixtures for Distillation at Atmospheric and Reduced Pressure PDF File
Charles B. Willingham and Vincent A. Sedlak

Aging of Karakul and Seal Fur Skins PDF File
Edward T. Steiner and Elizabeth R. Hosterman

Second Dissociation Constant of Succinic Acid from O° to 50° C PDF File
Gladys D. Pinching and Roger G. Bates

Methods of Sieve Analysis With Particular Reference to Bone Char PDF File
Frank G. Carpenter2 and Victor R. Deitz

First Spectrum of Arsenic PDF File
William F. Meggers, Allen G. Shenstone,1 and Charlotte E. Moore